Yeah, you definitely should.
Just to be clear, in this I wasn't actually joking, I think it would be a great idea for you to upload it. For people like me, who are trying to learn all this stuff, having these MIDI mockups to learn from, or even better, Cubase projects, is an amazing thing.
Even more, it's not just mockups done by regular talented musicians, sometimes we even get the chance to play with the same project that was used by a successful Hollywood composer, like the ones that Lorne Balfe posted online until 2020 or so. I couldn't believe when a song from one of my favorite scores, Mission Impossible Fallout, was right there all this time in both MIDI and Cubase. I grabbed it a week ago and have spent hours every day working on it, since obviously he owns different libraries than I do, and I wasn't going to spend thousands on them.
But I imported the song from the CD into the project, and it matched perfectly with the MIDI notes in the projects. So replacing most of his instruments (I only had HZ Percussion I think) with mine, and having to basically rework the project from scratch with the exception of the notes played, because MOD and EXP automation is not going to be the same for some Spitfire library than it is for VSL, and Percussion libraries don't have any standards, so the same notes will sound different on all of them.
So having to listen to the same 10 seconds or so over and over, track by track, adjusting MOD, EXP, this and that, all trying to get it as close to the original as possible, was a huge learning experience for me, and I'm sure for many others.
So for those of you who know how to do mockups well, even if they're not perfect, please keep them coming. Just remember to name your tracks properly according to the instrument and/or preset.