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AutoCAD and Photoshop comparability is a good sign, but I have an ancient Shuttle Scrub Pad I used with Cubase SX.
It seemed to be dependent on the developer, which at that time was Steinberg.
AutoCAD and Photoshop comparability is a good sign, but I have an ancient Shuttle Scrub Pad I used with Cubase SX.
It seemed to be dependent on the developer, which at that time was Steinberg.

it looks promising since it seems like you program it to do just about any key combo. Maybe I'll take the Nestea plunge and file a report once I had a chance to play around with it.
Please do.
I automate everything on my Physis K4, don’t use a QWERTY.
But the stand looks nice as I don’t sit when performing or recording.
Lots of commands could be stored here and this with a wireless track ball would be enticing.
I was close to get one but went with the elgato streamdeck as it behaves a little like a EUCON controller does meaning you can assign profiles like logic, pro tools, Ableton live etc. If you switch to the corresponding app the streamdeck controller will follow and show your key commands. It doesn’t do macros though.
I have an old, discontinued http://xkeys.com/xkeys/assets/documents/Professional%20MWII/Professional%20MWII.html (X-Keys professional) that I use with Finale. Had it for over 10 years. Still works fine.
I have an old, discontinued http://xkeys.com/xkeys/assets/documents/Professional%20MWII/Professional%20MWII.html (X-Keys professional) that I use with Finale. Had it for over 10 years. Still works fine.

Thanks! I'm def gonna pick one up to play around with.
That's something you can do; this is the purpose of the Cherry key switch. You just have to order a custom key and here you go.
It's a bit more expensive than just using a sticker of course.
That's exactly my issue. With X-Keys, I can just print a new label and slip it under the cap on the key. With an LCD, the key label can be changed with software.

I don't like the idea of having to order a new key from a company if my workflow changes. That said, the Max Keyboard looks quite fancy. Others may not be bothered with fixed printing on the keys like I am. I'm one of those people who uses hardware until it literally falls apart, so I always wonder if the company will be around when I need a fix or change. :alien:
@JJP I do agree with you on the fact it's way more flexible to adapt with the X-keys ;)

I've completely forgot streamdeck! Seems to be the best option to customize your icons. You can even create folder with specific shortcuts for multiple softwares.
Streamdeck is really cool I have a profile for pro tools and logic. If I switch to logic it will show it’s folders and key commands.

You could even setup multiple streamdecks. It’s a good compromise if you don’t want to use an iPad and want tactical feedback.
I have a Streamdeck question for using it with Logic - Does it basically trigger basic qwerty key commands? Or does it trigger specific Key Commands for each app? ie. within Logic does it somehow see Logic's Menu items/Key Commands or do you have to assign a key command within Logic to each of the Stream Deck's buttons?
Based on the great feedback here, I ordered a Stream Deck. Seems like the most flexible solution and not too steep of a price ($140 on Amazon). It should be arriving shortly, I'll post my impressions after I've set it up and taken it for a spin. Thanks again!
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