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Attention Right Wing Members - Stop Getting Yourselves Banned!

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Mike Greene

Senior Member
I know that's a weird title, but there's a certain sequence of events that keeps repeating itself. It only happens to conservatives, so in fairness, I should clarify a few things so that maybe we can stop this trend. Here's the sequence:

Right wing guy posts politics in the main sections of the forum. I delete that post, and ask them not to do that. They complain that I'm biased and unfair, often with some variation of "can't handle the truth!" Then they defiantly post again, martyrs to the cause, bravely standing up to the tyrannical left. Leaving me no choice but to ban them.

This has happened at least a dozen times this year, and it's always right wing guys. In some cases, the members are very knowledgeable and helpful on musical topics, so I hate to see this keep happening. So I'll offer a few things you should know:

First, it may surprise you to know that I delete almost as many left wing political posts as right wing. Yes, really. (Granted, it's 60/40, rather than 50/50, but that's because lefties are less likely to post that Covid is a hoax.)

Now, when a leftie gets a post deleted, he doesn't complain that I'm biased, since I am, after all, a leftie myself. So he doesn't escalate the situation. He might be annoyed, he might even PM me, but that's it. End of story. No banning.

A right winger, on the other hand, might assume otherwise, and in extreme (and unfortunately frequent) cases, they go all in that their posts were surely deleted because that power hungry forum owner is biased against conservatives, dammit. So they write yet another post, knowing it will get them banned. I guess to teach me a lesson.

In the interest of keeping things in perspective, here's something to be aware of. This martyrdom all occurs with no fanfare. Not one person has complained to me about any of these bannings. Few, if any, people ever even saw your posts, and I doubt anyone is even aware you're missing. Kind of a waste, if you ask me.

For the more sensible members, and to the broader topic of forum bias, there's a lot of grey area when it comes to moderating a forum. So I'll clarify my philosophy with two threads as examples:

First is JohnG's "How's Your Life Affected by Covid-19?" thread. I love this thread, because it's all about supporting each other during difficult times. There are some obvious political tangents, though, most of which I deleted, but some were borderline, and in some cases, there could be some bias. Bear in mind, I'm a science guy. (I even wrote the soundtrack! ;) ) So to the Hydroxychloroquine crowd, yes, I'm "biased," although note that I'm totally open to a thread about that or Ivermectin (in the Political sub-forum only) if you think you can make an actual scientific (as opposed to anecdotal) case for it.

Second is a recent thread where someone of Asian descent asked if he was being too sensitive about some Japanese jokes in another thread. Great thread, because although the topic is semi-political, it was an honest discussion and people were listening to each other. Ultra-tricky for the moderators, though, because there is always that certain percentage of people who are itching to pounce with their own rants about racial grievances in general.

We deleted a lot of posts in that thread, and honestly, I'm proud of the result. But ... a lot of posts did get deleted. About 50/50 and "on both sides," as a great man once said. Did we do it perfectly? Probably not, but we did the best we could, and I don't think we deleted any posts that were actually on the core question.

FWIW, I believe both sides in the conversation had valid points and I couldn't decide which way to vote in the poll. Yet two guys in that thread were so dead sure that I'm biased and one sided (presumable on whatever the "liberal" side would be) that they essentially forced me to ban them. To quote that great man again, "Sad."

One last point - In real life, I happen to love talking politics with my conservative friends. Heck, one of the moderators is a Republican, and we have total respect for each other. I have no problem at all with people having conservative views, and I'll even concede they could be right and I could be wrong. (Ha! That last part is just a joke, obviously.)

But, if you're the type who thinks politics needs to be a battle, or that VI-Control is great place to charge in and "own the libs," then as a favor to both you and to us, please rethink that. We'd rather keep you here.
I normally love a good discussion, especially where you are able to get a different perspective on things. However these days I tend to just find it tiring as no one tries to back up their argument and tend to resort to effectively name calling. I am moderately left but happy to discuss with those who align to the right in political view if they have an open inquisitive mind. However in recent years with how polarising everything has become it is hard to have a reasoned discussion.

In general I stay out of the political aspects on this forum as it is then easier to get along and just talk about music.
Oh hell. I'm still not sure what on earth 'left-wing' and 'right wing' are supposed to be, but I don't particularly care and I generally don't listen when someone tries to explain. Too many boxes. You're doing a bang-up job and if you ever need me to shut up, well, just let me know and I'll keep quiet. Everyone has their triggers and though I'm aware of mine, I still sometimes let myself get swept away.

I guess what I'm trying to say is,

For the love of whatever god is listening or Grandmaster Mike Himself please don't ban me this is my home and I have nowhere else to go please I love it here I'll be good I promise also I don't have any wings.
I have to say I am kind of speechless that this happens in hear even if it is logical in this times and in the way these people think and react.

Cant say how thankful I am for all your effort to keep this forum as a human place with all human emotions allowed but not that cruel parols trying to bring human race back to darkest middleage or whatever.

Simply thanks :emoji_pray: and hope this wont get worse.......
@Mike Greene: Maybe this is a good opportunity to bring something up that I have been wondering. Is there a chance that you'll let ProfoundSilence back in? I'll admit your post where you banned him was pretty clever and made me chuckle at the time, but I still do miss him and think the forum is worse off without him.
Keeping things civil, and also keeping an open discourse of ideas has become more and more difficult.

I appreciate what you have done to ensure open discourse and civility on this forum. Seems sad but that kind of thing has to be defended as it's under all out assault right now.

@Mike Greene: Maybe this is a good opportunity to bring something up that I have been wondering. Is there a chance that you'll let ProfoundSilence back in? I'll admit your post where you banned him was pretty clever and made me chuckle at the time, but I still do miss him and think the forum is worse off without him.
There are quite a few people who were great to have in here but were lost because they couldn’t behave. It would be lovely to think that prodigal sons could return and play nice. It might not be true, unfortunately.
There are quite a few people who were great to have in here but were lost because they couldn’t behave. It would be lovely to think that prodigal sons could return and play nice. It might not be true, unfortunately.
It may take a while, but we've seen great comebacks before. Don't want to name names because I don't want to drag them back into drama.
There are quite a few people who were great to have in here but were lost because they couldn’t behave. It would be lovely to think that prodigal sons could return and play nice. It might not be true, unfortunately.
The truth is, I don't really notice that some of those people are gone until their names are mentioned. I have noticed that the tone on this board has improved a lot over the past year.
The best solution I find is to type out a post and then delete it, because who really needs to read the political opinions of someone on the internet?
I do that quite often too..
But like, said "right wing" person is seeing the same biased censorship going on across the Internet..
And always with the same political bias..
Those on the left seem to be much more driven by hatred the last few years, and appear to be able to frame discourse how they like..
You oppose forced injections and think boys are boys etc and you're suddenly Hitler..
Short of inciting hatred or violence, censorship should be avoided, and should be recognised as the first thing the totalitarian does..
People's views should be out in the open to be argued against..
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