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Please contact us if you want your email changed. Here's why:

Frederick Russ

Founder Emeritus

PLEASE do NOT change your email in your account YOURSELF. Doing so will deactivate your account until a moderator can re-initiate your account. If you discover your email is no longer accurate and want to use another one WITHOUT having to wait, cool - in that case, please contact me @ frederick (at) soaringmusic (dot) com and I'll be happy to change it for you.

Why can't email updating be automated?

Its because of recent bot indexing and fake bot registrations. The only way I've been able to keep the forum from being overrun by spam is manual authorization of each and every account. The crux of this is the email account to instigate a registration which is how the forum validates an account.

That said please keep your email current

In the nine years VI has been running, we have never attempted to do a mass email to our members. Until now. And I was surprised at how many of the emails attached to accounts were either out of date or no longer existing or working

So here's the deal. An accurate email account is actually necessary for being part of the forum. Starting January 1, 2014, we're deactivating accounts that are attached to emails that are no longer current or working. So PLEASE be sure to keep your email up to date. If it isn't please contact me @ frederick (at) soaringmusic (dot) com and I'll change it for you. And if you don't want to be notified for email announcements etc, you can always opt out.

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