logic pro x


    LPX: "No reset" as a project level setting

    Hello Logic users, I'm trying to find out how to disable MIDI reset on a project or global setting. The reason I need this is because I have MIDI tracks which I'm recording from my keyboard, but when I play them back and stop, a MIDI reset message is automatically sent from Logic to the tracks...
  2. Loïc D

    Logic Pro X + Open Stage Control = Magic

    Hi folks, By popular requests from at least 3 persons, at last, I published a video of my control surface done with Open Stage Control, aka : How I take benefit of O S C to handle my favorite sliders & buttons per library / track. How do I get my articulations loaded from articulation sets...
  3. M

    Aux missing in mixer window? Logic Pro X

    Hello everyone , I was doing routing in an orchestral template and that while I set aux 71 as output on a summing track and input on a audio track (printing stems), it actually doesn’t show up in the mixer winDow at all . Only this particularly one doesn’t, other ones (for other instrument...
  4. Spid

    CPU requirement for a VEP slave?

    Hey guys (and gal), I’m on Apple eco-system, using now a MBP 16” M1 Max and I was wondering about Apple computers I could use to extend my system with VEP slaves. I’ve used VEP in the past, but long time ago, cross platform and I never used it for heavy composer template. So I have no clue to...
  5. F

    Kontakt7 snatches Logic key command. Has anyone had this issue?

    Hi newbie here. it's good know the place where I can share the issues. I just started testing Kontakt 7 in Logic Pro (Monterey, Apple Silicon w/ Rosetta) The new menu feature seems cool but there's serious anti-workflow issue happens Whenever Kontakt 7 is selected and activate as front window...
  6. T

    Single-track, multi-articulation, multitimbral scoring using Logic Pro X score

    Hi folks, I'm having trouble mapping the way I imagine my ideal workflow going to the capabilities of LPX (Articulation Sets), and hoping someone can either point out the way to make it work (my way) or an improve workflow that maps more 1:1 with Logic's workflow paradigm. I imagine my ideal...
  7. Utkarsh

    From a Logic base to Cubase!

    Hi, this will be my 1st ever thread here (though I’ve been around for a year, reading, learning and at times commenting too.) this is truly a lovely place. Thank you All 🙏🏼 I’m a Screenwriter, and honestly music composing and playing for me has been more for personal joy, and I’m still learning...
  8. jonarranger

    Cremona Quartet Strings Automation Setup in Logic Pro X and Kontakt

    Video Tut In Cremona Quartet strings, you can control performance parameters like vibrato intensity and speed, instrument volume, expression and fingering, and mic settings in the multi-mic versions. Since it’s impossible to record all of those at the same time, you’ll need to edit controller...
  9. C

    Logic Pro X - Controllable audio track modulation between different channel sounds? LFO? How to?

    Hi and thank you for entertaining my somewhat novice question. This is my first posting here. I'm using Logic Pro X 10.5.1. I'm searching for some way to switch in some control-able, sync to the BPM-able, LFO-like manner between two completely different guitar sounds applied to the same played...
  10. C

    Doepfer LMK4+ not recognised in Audio Midi Setup

    Hello folks. I just received a Doepfer LMK4+ after a very sweet eBay bid and thrilled to start working with it. However, for the past two hours I've been trying to wrap my head around what would seem like a simple set-up. With other midi keyboards I've had no problem setting up in Logic Pro X...
  11. T

    Logic pro x user needs help :(

    I'm using Logic pro X for a while now, and I've tried the Modulator midi fx, which is a cool tool, but i can't pair it to a plugin parameter, somehow in my target menu i don't have the Learn new parameter function, i only have Learn, which for some reason is not reading any knobs or the cutoff...
  12. stingray306

    VEP and Logic Pro -- Making a mix-friendly template

    About a year ago, I decided to embark on the journey of making my own slave computer and routing libraries through it back to my iMac. Over the last year, I have been trying to create a template and workflow that I'm happy with; not an easy task for someone who isn't too tech-savvy like myself...
  13. R

    Hey, Help me all CSS user.

    Everyone, I'm a Logic ProX user. I was looking for information because I wanted to use the cs series that I really love better. And then I found a really good solution, the logical editor of Cubase. There are many reasons why I can't change in logic, and the biggest reason is the usability of...
  14. cato

    Negative delays in Logic Pro X clipping start of track on bounce

    Hi there, I wonder if someone can suggest the best way to deal with this: I'm getting a clipped sound at the beginning of my bounced tracks whenever I use negative delays on a track in Logic. It must be because the bounce is rendering a negative delay from the first midi note meaning it starts...
  15. S

    Rename midi cc's in midi/automation lane to control Audio Modeling Swam Strings in Logic Pro X

    Hello everybody , im desperately trying to find a "simple solution " to rename default midi cc's in logics midi/automation lane . im specifically looking to automate my swam strings articulations, that i control with my controller while recording . i tried using art editor pro ,but it...
  16. Lotus Lake

    MIDI Instrument Not Appearing in Logic Pro X Channel Strip

    Hi folks, I hope everyone is staying safe and handling social distancing well. ☀ 🌺 💙 I just ran into a weird issue today when moving a Logic session between two workstations. The session was created on one workstation, and when it was opened on another workstation the MIDI Instrument slot on a...
  17. Tobias A. Ratka

    Logic pro x: stems

    Hey guys, so I'm currently supposed to bounce my stems for a production company. Honestly, so far I've either mixed & mastered on my own or bounced dry stems for mixing. Now, they want mixed GROUPstems for mastering. But I'm facing two issues: 1) My reverb(s) are running over seperate...
  18. JaikumarS

    Logic Pro X - inbuilt limiter that doesn't clip and pan settings

    Hello All, In the video link here Christian, @10:23 points out Logic X has an inbuilt limiter that doesn't clip and pan settings, etc. I would love to learn more about it. It would be very helpful if any Logic Pro Experts here, share more insights on it. Thanks again!
  19. marcodistefano

    Are you interested in a version of Flow orchestral template for Logic Pro X?

    Hi All, Many Logic Pro users asked me if I will ever build a version of Flow Orchestral Template for this DAW. Well, I am seriously thinking about it, let me know if you are interested before that I jump into this huge work :D In the meantime Flow is now integrating libraries other than...
  20. APD

    My Top Logic Pro X Workflow Tips - Audio Plugin Deals

    Logic Pro is a pretty insane piece of software. I’ve been using it for over five years, and I still discover new things about it from time to time. In fact, I’ve even discovered some amazing workflow shortcuts I hadn’t even known about while researching additional tips for this article! Without...
  21. greentuga

    Catalina - yes or no?

    Hi MAC composers, Do you update the macOS Catalina? Clean install or update? And if so, for Logic Pro x users, do you have problems with kontakt and other plugins? Tanks.
  22. greentuga

    Lass - i cant!!!

    Hi guys, Definitely, I can’t get LASS sound good to my ears. Period!!! I see a lot of tutorials, a lot of videos... o sketch some ostinatos and legatos, deal with modulation, volume, reverb... I can’t go write with this library. So, can you please give a little (giant) help to me? (I use Logic...
  23. jonnybutter

    Logic Pro X and Sample Modeling Trumpet - NOT solved

    Not solved. This is a giant PITA. EDIT: BTW, this is The Trumpet v3 Hi everybody, This is driving me nuts and I'm not sure it's a new problem, because I've gotten weird, bad trumpet tracks here and there before, but I thought it might be my poor BC technique. Now I'm not so sure. I use a...
  24. gh0stwrit3r

    In depth composing walkthrough [Orchestral Music]

    In this video I go in depth talking about the concepts of dynamics, balancing, panning and EQ clean up. Very important basic concepts that you need to apply when writing realistic orchestral midi-mockups. I use my orchestral music track 'Awakening' for this tutorial. I would love to welcome...
  25. Marko Dvojkovic

    Controller Assignments CC "hardwire" in Logic Pro X

    Hi! I have noticed that when you learn a parameter to a hardware controller that corresponds to a cc number for example in the Controller Assignments window (with the easy "learn" process), that cc becomes unusable for anything else. When wiggling it, it doesn't show in the MIDI monitor input. I...
  26. Loïc D

    Logic Pro X - my Spitfire UACC all articulations plist (link to dl)

    Hi there, These past weeks (months?) I've been working on building my own template. I relies quite heavily on Spitfire Audio products and UACC keyswitching. Since I could not find a comprehensive UACC plist file to import all articulations, I made my own. I share it here, for what it's worth...
  27. windshore

    Logic export bug...? Help!

    When trying to "export audio to movie" in Logic X, I regularly get this error message: Could not export Logic Pro X audio I end up having to export the mix and mixing into the movie using a different program. I have tried to narrow this down and it is inconsistent. If I happen to sync the...
  28. Soundiron Team

    In The Studio With Composer Vivek Maddala

    In The Studio with composer, sound designer and orchestrator Drew Krassowski Drew tells us about his experience starting his career from getting his education at the Berklee School of Music to moving to Los Angeles and interning for composer Tim Williams. He also breaks down some of his cues...
  29. squashteam

    How to convert stereo to split mono tracks in logic?

    I feel like I'm missing something because I assumed this would be straight forward. Editor sent me a stereo file with dialog on the left channel and temp music on the right channel. I would like to be able to split this into 2 mono tracks so I can mute temp music when necessary. I use Logic X...
  30. S

    Hey, Pro Pianist Here

    Hey Everyone, New to this Forum. I am a pro musician located in Allentown PA. I hold a Bachelors in Music Performance, and a Minor in Jazz Studies; mostly harmony. I have been composing on Logic Pro X for three years and about 8 months. In the beginning it was just a hobby, but with time, and...
  31. richhickey

    Logic Pro X summing stack and articulation map?

    I'm trying to put more than one instance of VI Pro (dimension string desks in this case) in a summing stack in order to drive them with the same MIDI/score track. They have identically arranged matrices and control mappings, so are designed to work with the same articulation map. The summing...
  32. Soundiron Team

    Soundiron | In The Studio with Composer David Norland

    We recently visited the home studio of film composer David Norland. He scored the Sacha Gervasi documentary Anvil: The story of Anvil as well as his most recent film HBO's My Dinner with Herve. Watch how he approached scoring some of the key emotional scenes of the film here! Understanding...
  33. victorkws

    Ralph Vaughan Williams - Symphony No. 5 in D major Mockup

    I love doing mockups for studying purposes. I thought it would be interesting to see how these masterpieces would look like in piano roll. Here's Vaughan Williams' Symphony No. 5 in D Major, 3rd Movement, "Romanza". It has the most achingly beautiful harmonies and longing melodies, probably one...
  34. B

    Logic x gone rogue!!!!

    Hi! I hope the answer to this problem is simple. Basically my midi draw seems to have gone totally rogue. When I record in my modwheel data for my Spitfire Libraries, as I go to edit in the Piano roll editor it seems to have been transported to an entirely foreign (to me anyway) place as well...
  35. Soundiron Team

    Soundiron - In The Studio with Composer Mimi Page

    We take you into the beautiful home studio of singer/song writer/composer Mimi Page. She has worked with composer Inon Zur on Fallout 4:Far Harbor as well as multiple collaborations with DJ/Record Producer Bassnectar. She has also scored The Lighthouse and Zak Bagans documentary Demon House. We...
  36. M

    Daw project to sheet music

    Hello, I write a lot of symphonic music in Logic Pro X using samples (mostly from Spitfire Audio). I have been asked by someone to show a score for some cues and as I don't have any finished sheet music. I don't have much experience with sheet music and notation for all instruments so was...
  37. Craig Peters

    Soundiron - In The Studio With Composer Shaun Chasin

    Hey Guys! I got a chance to visit the studio of composer Shaun Chasin recently for a Soundiron - In The Studio. Watch him compose an awesome track from scratch!
  38. Lotus Lake

    Zoom shortcut not working in Logic 10.4.1

    Hi friends, I recently decided to switch back to Logic's default key commands and started building a new custom key command template. Since I switched to the default, however, I'm having an issue where the "control+option+click-drag" to zoom in and "control+option+click" to zoom out are not...
  39. M

    IMac power outage with external SSD plugged in

    Hello, recently I suffered a power outage while my new iMac 27 was plugged in. My external SSD drive (which I use for samples) was connected via USB3. I was reinstalling the Kontakt factory library so the hard drive was working when this happened. After I booted it up again, the computer...
  40. S.M Hassani

    CodeUltra Custom Logic Pro X Midi Transforms Kit: Set MIDI length by key shortcut! (+ 30 More)

    See Latest Version Here After reading this discussion: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/top-10-cubase-features-new-to-a-logic-x-composer.73793/page-2 I decided to render a little service to the VIC/LPX community. :cool: Here's a Logic Pro 10.3.3 Project with my own Midi Transform...
  41. M

    Track Limit in Logic Pro X (multi timbral vs single instance of Kontakt)

    Hey guys! I recently bought a new iMac with a lot of RAM so I decided to make a new template, adding loads of things I hadn't been able to add before due to a slow computer with too little RAM. I always used a multi timbral setup (16 kontakt instances). It was always a bit of a pain because of...
  42. Grégory Betton

    What is the advantage of a slave computer and how do I set up one?

    Hey there! So far, I'm only using my 2016 MacBook Pro to run Logic Pro X. But as I see some info here and there about offloading computation to a slave computer, I'm starting to wonder if I should jump ahead. Could you explain me what are the real advantages of a slave computer, and lead me to...
  43. Will Wilson

    Mac Mini 2011

    I have acquired a 2011 Mac Mini (Quad i7, 8Gb, Spinner Disks).... Currently my "main" machine is my Windows Gaming Machine. i7 4770, 32GB RAM and Lots of SSD (1 x 256GB Boot, 1 x 512GB for Games, 2 x 1TB for samples etc) (Win10). I'm currently using Studio One 3 which is OK but I really miss...
  44. S

    Logic Pro X Articulations / mod wheel confusion

    Hello, Apologies if this has been answered somewhere, I searched and couldn't locate it! I am using Orchestral Tools' wonderful woodwind additional instruments bass clarinet. I am trying to use multiple articulations on a single track by using CAPSULE and Logic Pro X's Articulations feature. I...
  45. JaikumarS

    Vienna Ensemble Pro 6.0.17011 with Logic Pro X 10.4.1 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4

    Hi, Wondering if there are any known bugs/issues in using Vienna Ensemble Pro 6.0.17011 with Logic Pro X 10.4.1 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.4. I received an alert - Any idea how to sort this out? Thank you. -Jai
  46. jonnybutter

    Editing cc's with multiple regions selected in piano roll in Logic Pro x

    Hi Logic gurus Forgive me if this has been answered anytime recently, but I didn't find the answer anywhere else, including in a search here. My problem is with editing cc data in the piano roll with multiple regions selected and displayed. It's fairly easy (although it could be easier!) to...
  47. B

    Needing Assistance Setting up EW Play-based libraries for Orchestral Template in Logic X

    Hello V.I. Control Community, I'm new to Vienna Ensemble Pro 6, and I'm having some trouble setting up Eastwest Play-based libraries in my orchestral template in Logic X. After reading though the VE6 manual a couple of times, and watching several youtube tutorials, I'm still stuck trying to set...
  48. greentuga

    Overloud GEM

    Hi, Does anyone use these plugins in orchestra samples? can give opinion, tips and suggestions ??? I really like the Overloud UI and I can not use the Logic Pro X eq because I tend to overdo it ... thank you
  49. stigc56

    Tracks loosing name - Logic

    Hi I might be old news, but is it a known bug that the first midi track in a multi-timbral track often looses its name? Ex. 5 bassoon tracks 1 + 2 + 3 + Contra Bassoon + Ensemble, and Bassoon 1 is suddenly named untitled!! Or am I doing something wrong here?
  50. tav.one

    The NEW Logic Benchmark Test

    The logic benchmark test has been helpful for figuring out the DAW's CPU performance on Mac. I was about to ask @christianhenson to post his benchmark result on the iMac Pro but then I checked the scores again and saw that top on the list is 'Mac Pro 12-Core 2.7 Late 2013' and that can run 255...
  51. RRBE Sound

    Logic Pro X Transcribing MIDI to XML/Sib file (help wanted)

    Hello Everyone, I am having some trouble transcribing a track I composed, from MIDI to a ''real'' readable score. I am using Logic Pro X, and I have done this with smaller composition, containing fewer instruments before. However, I always had (In my experience) the sheet view in some weird...
  52. stigc56

    Solo one track in multi instrument in Logic

    Hi I have a multiinstrument with 6 channels routed to VEPro6 on a slave machine. Now I need to work on the first instrument, but when I solo that track, all tracks of the multi instrument is soloed. How can I accomplish to have ONLY one track soloed?
  53. khollister

    AU Detection & Validation Problems w Logic 10.3.3 & 10.13.2 - HELP

    I'm slowly getting everything installed and configured on my new iMac Pro (coming home from a Windows experiment). I'm quite impressed with the machine and experience except for one really aggravating problem - I'm having problems with Logic not detecting new AU's. I have tried the trick with...
  54. Garry

    Modulation problem in Logic Pro X - please help!

    Hi, I wonder if you could help: I'm getting confused with modulation in Logic (version 10.3.3): with 2 different libraries, it's implemented in 2 different ways, and I can't understand how to change it. I'll explain in detail, in case it helps diagnose the problem, and might help other newbies...
  55. jonnybutter

    LPX and Addictive Drums...solved

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to get multi output leading to separate audio tracks going with Addictive Drums (AD) and LPX - it seems like this has never worked quite correctly, and now it still doesn't seem to. First, my rig: LPX 10.3.3 OSX 10.12.6 running on a Vader Antelope Audio Zentour using...
  56. S

    Logic Pro ER - Activate/ Deactivate projects manually and Tab-able Projects

    It would be useful to be able to open multiple projects at a time in a more manageable way. (It takes a long time to open multiple projects with a lot of Kontakt 5 instruments loaded) Instead of Logics auto activate next loaded project feature the user should (optionally?) have the ability to...
  57. JaikumarS

    MIDI Keyboard - random CC1 and CC7 - LogicProX

    My MIDI Keyboard M-Audio Keystudio 49 is passing - random CC1 and CC7 into LogicProX how to stop/filter it? I'm also using Korg nanoKONTROL, which I wanna write CC1, CC11, CC7, CC2, CC21. Both my nanoKontrol + Maudio Keystudio are connected to Belkin USB hub which is then connected to Mac...
  58. galactic orange

    Waves updated plug-in graphics in Logic issue

    Waves updated three plug-ins with new graphics and features: Audio Track, Q10, and L1+Ultramaximizer. I use two systems, a 2012 Mac Mini and a 2009 MBP both running the latest El Capitan and Logic Pro X. The Waves plug-ins installed and loaded fine in Logic on the Mini, but on the MBP only the...
  59. M

    Big template in logic witout VEP?

    Hi! Anyone knows if there is a way to make big orchestral template in logic without using vep? I have seen that cubase and studio one has enable / disable function to reduce memory/Ram. The idea is to have a large template without having to load all samples at once. Freezing not working for...
  60. T

    EXS24 Missing Samples (Still) - Third-party Instruments

    Hi all. The EXS24 is not finding most of the samples for most of my third-party instruments. These are sounds that I have incorporated into Logic over many years, such as the Useful Noise instruments, Piano Attack and Dark Skies etc. All of these are commercial libraries that included EXS24...
  61. Breitenbach

    TOP 9 Problems with Cubase 9 from a Logic X User

    Only 9 actually because I'm actually loving Cubase so far. Also be forewarned some of these are kinda superficial and subjective, and some might simply be beginner's mistakes. I'd still be extremely grateful for any suggestions from Cubase 9 pros. ————— 1.) The video player window closes...
  62. R

    Arturia Prophet V2 Crashing Logic X 10.3.1

    Hello, I have recently experience severe crashes in Logic X 10.3.1 OS X Sierra with my Arturia Prophet V2. I recently upgraded to V3 and that seems stable. I still have a few sounds I really enjoy in V2. Have any Logic users experienced this? Many thanks.
  63. R

    MIDI file opened in Logic 10.3.1 is different (wrong)

    Hi, I received a midi file from a composer friend whom i have to collaborate for this particular project. I also got an mp3 so I know how the music sounds and I have a reference. Problem is if I open it with Logic the tempo map is wrong...by wrong I mean it's different from the original. But...
  64. S

    FR LPX - Common Tools enhancement

    https://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=130509&p=666478#p666478 Hi chaps and Logic Pro fellows. while working on a new film project I came up with something I would like to see implemented in Logic Pro. I've already forwarded this to the Logic Pro team but would like your...
  65. J

    Trailer composition I am working on for a client. Advice PLEASE

    So the writing is basically finished. Just ironing out the mix and modulation (nothing on the master channel and completely unmastered). Please critique my VI brothers and sisters, i want/need this to be the best it can be.
  66. Breitenbach

    Logic X - create new key commands

    Is there a way to create new key commands within Logic X that aren't part of their stock line up? This came about because I work in Logic X, and recently added 2 iPads to my setup to use both for midi cc's as well as to have quick access to certain key commands. Unfortunately, key commands...
  67. stigc56

    Edit MIDI parts of Multi Instrument in Logic, how?

    Hi I want to be able to play divisi on VSL dim 1. violins A & B, so I created a Multi Timbral Instrument with 2 parts in Logic. So the first part is routed to ch. 1 and the second to ch. 2 and the instrument to VEPro6 on a mac slave. So both tracks are playing fine, but how can I solo the B...
  68. Wunderhorn

    Logic 10.3 is here

    Notes: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203718 Thoughts, experiences?
  69. composerguy78

    Best way to run VE Pro Slave

    What way do you use VE Pro? I have used it a lot over the years although I am back to running everything in Logic and loading instruments when I need them whilst having a general template which has most instruments I need pre-loaded. That said, I'm working on a new project and I want to have...
  70. Vik

    Expressions maps in Logic, Reaper and Cubase

    Cubase has had Expression Maps for many years. Reaper is getting something similar now: http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=183669 I hope Logic will get something similar as well. Meanwhile - how does the existing 3rd part solutions work/compare in Logic.... anyone?
  71. M

    MacBook Air and Logic Pro X

    Hi, I just bought a MacBook Air (2015) 13 inch with 1,6Ghz, 8 GBs of ram and an SSD hard drive. I do all composing on my homecomputer and will continue to do so. However, I was wondering if it would work to install Logic and Kontakt on the Air for composing during travels. Would it run smoothly...
  72. RRBE Sound

    Logic Pro X - Movie tempo ''freeze'' ?

    Hey All! So I am searched Google and You Tube for answers, but with no result. My question goes: How can I ''Lock/freeze'' the video/movie in Logic Pro X when changing tempo? I am aware of the great audio flex function, but this, as I can see does not affect the video/movie. - So it...
  73. composerguy78

    Automating Bouncing Stems

    I thought some fellow composers might find this useful. It's a macro I set up which is basically a recording of the key commands used to bounce stems. As long as you use track stacks and set up your session in this way it might help take some of the tedium out of bouncing stems. (click to view...
  74. mikehamm123

    Mike from California

    Hi, I'm in the Bay Area, I just started with Logic Pro X. I'm writing music I'm submitting for trailers and soundtracks. My style is mostly symphonic, although I also play jazz and blues for fun (guitar). A big challenge has been getting 'contemporary' sounds to fit the current styles (action...
  75. L

    Phase issues with samples in Kontakt

    Hi everyone, My name is Louis and I've just joined the forum, it looks like there is a lot of great people and info on here! I'm in the middle of making my first Kontakt library which I am planning to release in the next couple of weeks. I currently have some phase issues that I was wondering...
  76. B

    Slow Connection Time to VEPro on Slave PC - help needed

    Hi all, I'm building a new orchestral template and have just added my first PC into the mix as a slave. I have one other slave that is a Mac Mini and an iMac running my DAW. I am using VEPro 5 to host all my VIs across the network. Due to my scoring needs, I am using one instrument per instance...
  77. stigc56

    Advise regarding moving from VSL to Orchestral Tools

    Hi I have been using VSL for quite a long time, struggling to create a proper workflow. I have always found that the number of articulations in VSL libs are challenging in the way that you need so many key switches to take full advantage of the possibilities. I have kind of lost my heart in this...
  78. S

    Logic Pro X 10.2.2 is out

  79. Vik

    Poll: Most useful Logic suggestions? Please keep voting! :-)

  80. Vik

    Troublefree/small hardware controller for use with Berlin Strings/Spitfire/Logic?

    Can anyone recommend a good/small hardware controller for use with Berlin Strings/Spitfire/Logic, which works with the latest Logic version and OS X 10.5.5 (and, ideally El Capitan as well)?
  81. Y

    Free Logic Pro X Key Commands Template for TouchOSC

    I just saw this post which I thought might be of interest for all of you Logic users... I haven't gotten a chance to download it yet, but it sounds like it's a very nice free template for those using TouchOSC on your iPad with Logic...
  82. Furio

    Logic Pro X changing touchosc pages

    Hi everybody. I just completed my touchosc template (on my iPad) linked to my Logic Pro orchestral template. I have two touchosc Pages (or tabs), one for spitfireaudio libraries and the second one for Lass. How can I set Logic to make touchosc switch to the right page when I select specific...
  83. S

    LPX - Track visibility management - UXD concept

    since years I wish for a better way to manage large track counts in logic. The group hide key commands that are still only available for the first 9 of the 32 available groups inspired me to think about an overall improvement to filter tracks while typing. Of course cubase, reaper and now DP...
  84. S

    LPX - Color palette improvements & Region translucency - UXD concept

    Here is my take on general color improvements and how a user could apply a region translucency setting to all regions via the color palette.
  85. K

    Stuck notes in VEPro 5 with Logic

    Hello I have just setup a slave computer setup with VEPro 5 and Logic imac 27 4Ghz Core i7 - 32 GB Ram (master) OSX 10.11.1 Mac Pro Quad Core 16 GB Ram ( slave) OSX 10.9.5 I am running many individual instances on the slave ( about 20 - mainly EastWest SO) and generally running...
  86. jonathanwright

    Logic X - Anyone else had a 'new content' message?

    I booted up Logic this morning and the little notification window slid in at the top right of the screen to tell me I had content to download. I was fully up to date and it's the first time I've seen this message. I noticed that some of my existing library installs said 'outdated' next to them...
  87. N

    Vep5 with logic - best way to set up?

    When using Vienna ensemble pro 5 with logic, which is the most efficient way to set it up - multiport, event inpup, or separate instances each with 16 midi channels? Thanks
  88. N

    VEP5 Multiport Layer Aux Issue

    The moment I add an aux track with the multiport template in Logic, only midi channel 1 is addressed on vienna ensemble pro no matter what midi channel I'm playing on. What caused this, and how do I fix it?
  89. amsams

    How to create a multi-output Kontakt instrument in Logic X

    Specifically, I'm trying to make one Kontakt instance of Seinnheiser Drum Mic'a in mutli-output. I've searched and fiddled, but I can't successfully make this work. I know it's probably an easy fix. I'd like each mic (bass drum, hi hats, snare, toms, overheads, etc.) routed to a different...
  90. toddkedwards

    Mapping CC's to MIDI Controller/Data in Logic Pro X [Newbie]

    Hello my fellow VI members! This might sound like a very stupid/simple question for most of you but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the correct direction on mapping CC data within Logic Pro X. I currently have a Nectar Impact 88 MIDI keyboard and would like to have the sliders be...
  91. Tatu

    Logic Pro / Obsolete(?)/muted CC-data (IT's A BUG!!!).

    Why, oh why does this happen: - CC data appears as if it's muted or so (and sometimes it is -> no data goes through on what ever CC in question). - Copying region to another track sometimes fixes the issue. - Cutting region sometimes fixes the issue (can join regions after). - Doesn't seem to...
  92. bjderganc

    From Logic X to Cubse 8 -- A ton of questions!

    Hi All! New Cubase 8 user coming from Logic X! I'm generally doing really well with Cubase, but have ton of questions that have been bogging me down for a couple days: 1. Is there a way to mute individual MIDI notes within the Key Editor? 2. In Logic, it's easy to move around in a...
  93. bjderganc

    New (used) Mac Pro for Music Production

    Hi All, I am looking to purchase either a 2012 Mac Mini, or Mac Pro tower (pre-trashbin) for music production to use in tandem with VEPro and a PC slave. I tend to use a lot of soft synthesizers and Kontakt libraries with Logic Pro X. I can go as high as $2500 for the machine, but right now...
  94. S

    Useful missing Key Commands in Logic Pro X

    Whats the purpose of this thread? Easy. To provide feedback to the developers and let them know what key commands could enhance a pro users workflow. Maybe you as a Logic Pro user feel the same or got ideas which Key Commands would be helpful. Just post the ones you miss and I add them to the...
  95. JohnBMears

    Exporting from Sibelius into Logic Pro X

    Since I have worked in Sibelius for so many years (and use it for part production) I am much faster at inputting for some types of projects. But when EXPORTING a MIDI file from Sibelius into Logic Pro X, there is a ton of program change, pan, reverb, etc info that I don't want to bring into...
  96. A

    Composing Walkthrough Using Only Cinematique-Instruments Samples

  97. wonshu

    Shared: Keyswitch re-mapping template Logic Pro X

    Hello, I was asked if I could share the template I mentioned in this thread. So I've created a short blog post with an explanation and the download link. Please take a look! Kind regards, Hans
  98. Maestro77

    Can I save Logic Flex Time markers as metadata?

    Can't find anything online about how to accomplish this so I turn to The Community... I've used Flex Time to quantize a couple hundred acoustic guitar loops. Now I'd like to export said loops as .wav's to include the markers Flex Time created as metadata. Is this possible and if so how do I...
  99. toddkedwards

    Kontakt 5 Error in Logic Pro X

    I've been getting this error in Logic Pro X: "Instrument not initialised. Please make sure Kontakt is connected to an audio output or linked to your DAW". I have placed an instance of Kontakt as an instrument track. I've looked on Native Instruments site and could not find any information on...
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