There's no way we could make a full dictionary, but I'm posting this collection of words because they are instructive examples of how to make words. We intentionally included some words that Blue doesn't do very well, so you'll see what sorts of compromises I'll make when faced with certain challenges. (We have a massive update in early 2021 that includes missing vowels and will solve a lot of these problems.)
Note that some of these words use vowels that are "diphthongs," meaning the vowel is a transition from one vowel to another. For example:
I (or eye) is a diphthong from Ah (or Uh) to Ee. Try saying "eye" yourself. Say it slowly and you will notice this transition.
A (as in "ace") is a diphthong from Eh to Ee
Ow is a diphthong from Eh to Oo. (Actually it's from short-a to Oo, but that won't be available until the update in early 2021.)
Oy is a transition from Oh to Ee.
To play a diphthong is Realivox Blue, you need to be in Vowel or Phrase Legato mode. Play the first vowel, then keep holding that first note as you play the "Repeat Key" (the red "B1" key, an octave below middle C) which trigger the transition into the next "syllable." Here is a video which demonstrates this process: "Fly with Realivox Blue." (Seriously, watch the video!)
Also note that it's usually better to place a consonant at the start of the next syllable, rather than end of the first syllable. For instance "Beasty" is better as Bee-Stee rather than Beest -Ee.
Again = Uh , G-Eh-N
Always = Ah-L , W-Eh_Z
Amazing Grace = Uh , M-Eh , Z-Ee-Ng , G-R-Eh-S
Around = Uh , R-Eh , Oo-N-D (Diphthong from Eh to Oo)
Asleep = Uh , S-L-Ee-P
Away = Uh , W-Eh , Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Baby = B-Eh , Ee , B-Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Back = B-Eh-K **OR** B-Ah-K
Best = B-Eh-S-T
Bet = B-Eh-T
Big = B-Ee-G
Bite = B-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Blue = B-L-Oo
Boat = B-Oh-T
Boy = B-Oh , Ee (Diphthong from Oh to Ee)
Breaking = B-R-Eh , K-Ee-Ng
Breath = B-R-Eh-Th
Breathe = B-R-Ee-Th
Car = K-Ah-R
Cause = K-Ah-Z
Christmas = K-R-Eh-S , M-Uh-S
Dancing = D-Eh-N , S-Ee-Ng
Day = D-Eh , Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Deep = D-Ee-P
Die = D-Ah-Ee (Diphthong from Ah to Ee)
Dog = D-Ah-G
Don't = D-Oh-N-T
Douche Bag = D-Oo-Sh , B-Eh-G
Down = D-Eh-W-N (Diphthong from Eh to Oo)
Dream = J-R-Ee-M
Drummer = J-R-Uh , M-Eh-R
Easy = Ee , Z-Ee
Eye = Uh-Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Fall = F-Ah-L
Feel = F-Ee-L **OR** F-Ee , Uh-L
Fire =- F-Uh , Y-Uh-R
Fly = F-L-Uh , Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Get = G-Eh-T
Girl = G-Uh , R-Uh-L
Give = G-Ee-V
Gonna = G-Uh , N-Uh
Good = G-Oo-D
Got = G-Ah-T
Hard = H-Ah-R-D
Hallelujah = H-Ah , L-Eh , L-Oo , Y-Uh
Heart = H-Ah-R-T
Heaven = H-Eh , V-Uh-N
Hell = H-Eh-L
Here = H-Ee-R
How = H-Ah , Oo (Diphthong from Ah to Oo)
I = Uh-Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
I'll = Uh , Ee-L (Hold the "eel" syllable for a very, very short time)
Jesus = J-Ee , Z-Uh-S
Keep = K-Ee-P
Kiss Me = K-Ee-S , M-Ee
La = L-Ah
Laugh = L-Eh-F
Left = L-Eh-F-T
Life = L-Uh , Ee-F (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Light = L-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Like = L-Uh , Ee-K (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Little = L-Eh , T-Uh-L
Lonely = L-Oh-N , L-Ee
Love = L-Uh-V
Lovely = L-Uh-V , L-Ee
Man = M-Eh-N
Me = M-Ee
Merry = M-Eh , R-Ee
Mighty = M-Uh , Ee , T-Ee
Mind = M-Uh , Ee-N-D (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
My = M-Uh , Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Need = N-Ee-D
Never = N-Eh , V-Eh-R
Might = N-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Now = N-Uh , Oo (Diphthong from Uh to Oo)
Oh = Oh
Our = Ah , W-Eh-R
Over = Oh , V-Eh-R
Point = P=Oh , Ee-N-T (Diphthong from Oh to Ee)
Repeat = R-Ee , P-Ee-T
Repeatedly = R-Ee , P-Ee , D-Eh-D , L-Ee
Right = R-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Rock = R-Ah-K
Santa = S-Eh-N , T-Uh
Take = T-Eh , Ee-K (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Tea = T-Ee
Tell = T-Eh-L
Thang= Th-Eh-Ng
The = Th-Uh
Thing = Th-Ee-Ng
Time = T-Uh , Ee-M (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Tongue = T-Uh-Ng
Train = Tr-Eh-N
We = W-Ee
White Rabbit = W-Uh , Ee-T , R-Eh , B-Ee-T
Woman =- W-Uh , M-Uh-N
Word = W-Uh-R-D
World = W-Uh , R-Uh-L-D
Ya = Y-Ah
Yeah =- Y-Eh
You = Y-Oo
Yummy = Y-Uh , M-Ee
Note that some of these words use vowels that are "diphthongs," meaning the vowel is a transition from one vowel to another. For example:
I (or eye) is a diphthong from Ah (or Uh) to Ee. Try saying "eye" yourself. Say it slowly and you will notice this transition.
A (as in "ace") is a diphthong from Eh to Ee
Ow is a diphthong from Eh to Oo. (Actually it's from short-a to Oo, but that won't be available until the update in early 2021.)
Oy is a transition from Oh to Ee.
To play a diphthong is Realivox Blue, you need to be in Vowel or Phrase Legato mode. Play the first vowel, then keep holding that first note as you play the "Repeat Key" (the red "B1" key, an octave below middle C) which trigger the transition into the next "syllable." Here is a video which demonstrates this process: "Fly with Realivox Blue." (Seriously, watch the video!)
Also note that it's usually better to place a consonant at the start of the next syllable, rather than end of the first syllable. For instance "Beasty" is better as Bee-Stee rather than Beest -Ee.
Again = Uh , G-Eh-N
Always = Ah-L , W-Eh_Z
Amazing Grace = Uh , M-Eh , Z-Ee-Ng , G-R-Eh-S
Around = Uh , R-Eh , Oo-N-D (Diphthong from Eh to Oo)
Asleep = Uh , S-L-Ee-P
Away = Uh , W-Eh , Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Baby = B-Eh , Ee , B-Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Back = B-Eh-K **OR** B-Ah-K
Best = B-Eh-S-T
Bet = B-Eh-T
Big = B-Ee-G
Bite = B-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Blue = B-L-Oo
Boat = B-Oh-T
Boy = B-Oh , Ee (Diphthong from Oh to Ee)
Breaking = B-R-Eh , K-Ee-Ng
Breath = B-R-Eh-Th
Breathe = B-R-Ee-Th
Car = K-Ah-R
Cause = K-Ah-Z
Christmas = K-R-Eh-S , M-Uh-S
Dancing = D-Eh-N , S-Ee-Ng
Day = D-Eh , Ee (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Deep = D-Ee-P
Die = D-Ah-Ee (Diphthong from Ah to Ee)
Dog = D-Ah-G
Don't = D-Oh-N-T
Douche Bag = D-Oo-Sh , B-Eh-G
Down = D-Eh-W-N (Diphthong from Eh to Oo)
Dream = J-R-Ee-M
Drummer = J-R-Uh , M-Eh-R
Easy = Ee , Z-Ee
Eye = Uh-Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Fall = F-Ah-L
Feel = F-Ee-L **OR** F-Ee , Uh-L
Fire =- F-Uh , Y-Uh-R
Fly = F-L-Uh , Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Get = G-Eh-T
Girl = G-Uh , R-Uh-L
Give = G-Ee-V
Gonna = G-Uh , N-Uh
Good = G-Oo-D
Got = G-Ah-T
Hard = H-Ah-R-D
Hallelujah = H-Ah , L-Eh , L-Oo , Y-Uh
Heart = H-Ah-R-T
Heaven = H-Eh , V-Uh-N
Hell = H-Eh-L
Here = H-Ee-R
How = H-Ah , Oo (Diphthong from Ah to Oo)
I = Uh-Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
I'll = Uh , Ee-L (Hold the "eel" syllable for a very, very short time)
Jesus = J-Ee , Z-Uh-S
Keep = K-Ee-P
Kiss Me = K-Ee-S , M-Ee
La = L-Ah
Laugh = L-Eh-F
Left = L-Eh-F-T
Life = L-Uh , Ee-F (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Light = L-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Like = L-Uh , Ee-K (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Little = L-Eh , T-Uh-L
Lonely = L-Oh-N , L-Ee
Love = L-Uh-V
Lovely = L-Uh-V , L-Ee
Man = M-Eh-N
Me = M-Ee
Merry = M-Eh , R-Ee
Mighty = M-Uh , Ee , T-Ee
Mind = M-Uh , Ee-N-D (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
My = M-Uh , Ee (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Need = N-Ee-D
Never = N-Eh , V-Eh-R
Might = N-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Now = N-Uh , Oo (Diphthong from Uh to Oo)
Oh = Oh
Our = Ah , W-Eh-R
Over = Oh , V-Eh-R
Point = P=Oh , Ee-N-T (Diphthong from Oh to Ee)
Repeat = R-Ee , P-Ee-T
Repeatedly = R-Ee , P-Ee , D-Eh-D , L-Ee
Right = R-Uh , Ee-T (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Rock = R-Ah-K
Santa = S-Eh-N , T-Uh
Take = T-Eh , Ee-K (Diphthong from Eh to Ee)
Tea = T-Ee
Tell = T-Eh-L
Thang= Th-Eh-Ng
The = Th-Uh
Thing = Th-Ee-Ng
Time = T-Uh , Ee-M (Diphthong from Uh to Ee)
Tongue = T-Uh-Ng
Train = Tr-Eh-N
We = W-Ee
White Rabbit = W-Uh , Ee-T , R-Eh , B-Ee-T
Woman =- W-Uh , M-Uh-N
Word = W-Uh-R-D
World = W-Uh , R-Uh-L-D
Ya = Y-Ah
Yeah =- Y-Eh
You = Y-Oo
Yummy = Y-Uh , M-Ee
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