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Discussion Thread for 8dio Flash Sale Products

Ok. This is how cheap I am. If you had to choose between deep sampled solo cello or violin which would you choose? Cello?
I like its rawness and find it more in the Prog King Crimson_esque area of expression, less lyrical or alike. Probably will get the Cello too been waiting for quite long.

(If anyone needs a referral link for first purchase, send DM)

Here's a short midi fast passage played with Deep Solo Violin, articulations included are legato (multi), some shorts and particular articulations all @160bpm. In that thread you can compare the same phrase with other violins and somehow make an idea.

View attachment 2023-03-15 15-32-04.mp4

In this thread you can compare other violins doing the same midi phrase:

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Ok. This is how cheap I am. If you had to choose between deep sampled solo cello or violin which would you choose? Cello?
I'd get a referral code and get both for $35. :grin:

Probably is a bad idea if not explained.

Ask for referral code, you get one. Create account, buy one instrument with discount, the you create a referral code, share your code and get $15 back when they purchase with your code.

(Nah, leave it at DRAMA so we can scheme several ways to pay as cheap as we can for 8dio products. So we can love them in a form of hate, or hate them with kindness, or love to hate them, mleh, all with 147 layers) just be nice
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As explained here, this is the thread to discuss the parade of products 8dio has on sale.
While I usually think that your moderator decisions are good ones and that they keep this place friendly, I don't quite understand your decision here.

After all, if this thread is meant to discuss 8Dio libs and whether they are worth the money, I don't think it should be in the Drama Zone. It's actually Sample Talk in the literal sense. Also, you have lots of sample discussions in sale or commercial threads whenever Spitfire or OT have a sale or release a new product. Not to mention the ongoing PA sales thread. And there are other threads like the excellent one about the Infinite Series, that sometimes gets multiple new messages per day.

Of course, Spitfire and OT are paying for ads here but I thought that the Tier 2 forums where exactly meant for those who don't. It somehow feels like you are deliberately trying to punish 8Dio for the whole issue with Sarah, Cory and others (which I don't really want to talk about here - of course if you decide to "punish" them you can obviously do that, it's your place).

I do understand the whole thing about the "Latest Posts" thing though. But why not just exclude Tier 2 forums from the Latest Posts feed? Would seem like a more impartial mod decision.
Ok. This is how cheap I am. If you had to choose between deep sampled solo cello or violin which would you choose? Cello?
Neither. If you were cheap, truly cheap, you wouldn’t buy this just because it’s on sale. You would only buy it if you absolutely needed it. It’s clear, you don’t lol.

honestly, I have never heard a demo of these that sounded flattering. Not even the ones on the developers website. My impression, as someone who does not own these ….. if you want the fastest shorts known to man kind, you will reach for these first. In fact, this might be the only library that can handle this. However, if you want anything else… You will probably never reach for these first.
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Sorry, I still don't get it. From what I've experienced here, sample and plugin discussions that emerge in sales threads are quite often very informative and worthwile. If we can only have such discussions in the Drama Zone it feels like we are doing some shady drug deals that nobody wants to see happening in the public.

Don't get me wrong. I can understand that the situation with these threads needs a mod intervention for various reasons. But moving certain discussions to the Drama Zone just feels incorrect. I think at least there should be an official rule at which point these discussions need to be moved (and maybe to a different, perhaps new place which is not the Drama Zone).

PS: I am actually sorry for openly questioning your decisions (because that just puts more work on your plate) and I hope I don't come across like I'm trying to attack you. Usually I try to stay out of actively participating in drama. But in this case I strongly feel that this is not a good move for the forum (and in the past 2,5 years I have grown quite fond of it and genuinely care about it).

EDIT: For context, this was originally posted in this thread: https://vi-control.net/community/th...r-plugin-alliance-daily-deal-products.137629/
It was later moved here.
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Can someone please post a summary or link to what this is about, because I have absolutely no clue? Having put half the subforums on ignore seems to work for cleaning up my latest posts feed, bot now I feel left out...

(Edit:I originally posted this question in the other thread before I had seen this one. Doesn't make as much sense here anymore because here I probably could have figured out what it's about. Just clarifying)
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Sorry, I still don't get it. From what I've experienced here, sample and plugin discussions that emerge in sales threads are quite often very informative and worthwile. If we can only have such discussions in the Drama Zone it feels like we are doing some shady drug deals that nobody wants to see happening in the public.

Don't get me wrong. I can understand that the situation with these threads needs a mod intervention for various reasons. But moving certain discussions to the Drama Zone just feels incorrect. I think at least there should be an official rule at which point these discussions need to be moved (and maybe to a different, perhaps new place which is not the Drama Zone).

PS: I am actually sorry for openly questioning your decisions (because that just puts more work on your plate) and I hope I don't come across like I'm trying to attack you. Usually I try to stay out of actively participating in drama. But in this case I strongly feel that this is not a good move for the forum (and in the past 2,5 years I have grown quite fond of it and genuinely care about it).
I agree.
But I sympathize with Mike as well.
But I hope a better solution can be found.

Not a fan of disabling "tier 2" bumping to front page either though, as that will probably hurt smaller developers.

I don't have the answers :shocked:
Thanks a lot, that clears it up!

@Mike Greene: I agree that a change for getting things to slow down seems worth a try. At a glance this version of it seems somewhat unintuitive to me, so it might require quite a bit of moderator work to enforce it down the line, but I'd be happy to be proven wrong. Is this more about the latest post feed on the main forum view or about the long list of latest posts here? https://vi-control.net/community/whats-new/posts/

If this is more about the feed, what do you think about a solution where you make a new subforum called "megathreads" (maybe between sampletalk and tier1 deals) that doesn't show up in the feed at all and where you simply move all threads that go past 50 pages? I remember some blockbuster releases at times had 3 different megathreads running in parallel and that made keeping track of the ongoing discussions hard and hogged a lot of space in the feed. My rationale would be by page 50 all the regulars will know about the topic, so a release likely wouldn't go under the radar because of this, and it doesn't have the bad taste that the drama zone has for some. I'd imagine several people have the drama zone on ignore because they want to stay away from the drama, but might still be interested in the discussions spawned from daily deals threads?
And once a thread went past 50 pages, does it really matter what forum it originally was started on? Half the time people seem to be unaware of that anyway, or discussions take on a life of their own and evolve.

In the past there were many megathreads that I didn't want to ignore entirely but also got very little value out of having them on the latest posts feed. E.g. I didn't need to see people asking for years when CSW is finally done. When such a product finally gets released, you could just move the thread back into sample talk for a month to make people aware when something noteworthy happended. I'd hope that to be less manual work than trying to get people to understand that certain threads may have ongoing discussions and others may only have those discussions in separate drama zone threads. But again... I may be wrong, it's just a thought.
This isn't that complicated. The 8dio Flash Sale thread still exists, and all sales announcements can be posted there. Nobody will be missing anything. (Other than 30-post strings where people post pictures of cats and Barney and stuff.)

No other companies are being moved (except PA, since mussnig insisted), and both Tier 1 and Tier 2 remain as they have always been. All companies large and small (besides 8dio and PA) can still post and people can comment in those threads as before. I do hereby promise no small developers will be harmed by this.
Just to offer another view... I visit two forums several times a day, when I need to change my thoughts for a few seconds : the two deals forums. Just pop in, read the latest three or four posts, and pop out.

The thread I enjoy the most is/was the 8dio mega thread. Probably because it deals with just about the only orchestral/classical sample libraries I can afford, when they're on sale, and I've picked up a few. But just hearing which instrument is on sale will be pretty boring. I can find that out by going to 8dio's website. I'm always eager to read the comments that people have to offer about the instrument.

I didn't even know there was a "Lastest Posts" feed even though I now see that I have it in my face, if off to the side, for a split second before clicking on the deals forums. From the latest comments here, I deduce that there is also a Drama forum somewhere. I don't feel any urge to go see what that is about.

I'm probably not a typical user and admit that I don't give this place the attention it deserves, so I'm not complaining. I'll just miss the 8dio thread the way it was. Maybe other vendors could pick up a few tricks on how to generate great interest.
Here's yet another view.
When ignoring a thread, it will still show up in latest posts, but with the title "Ignored thread" - making it a bit pointless to ignore threads you don't want to see (there was an annoying mega thread about some synth voice library, and the Infinite mega thread has been dangerously close for me). Maybe the solution would be to address that somehow, instead of delegating threads that the moderators don't enjoy to the drama zone (no offense).
Since two threads that I enjoyed the most are now un-bumpably put in the Drama Zone, somehow it takes away my enjoyment.

I accept the rules though and will take my vendor related chatter elsewhere. Except maybe for some future vendor agnostic FM synth and Xsample fanboying here and there.

A bump-free salutation! See you around.
Since two threads that I enjoyed the most are now un-bumpably put in the Drama Zone, somehow it takes away my enjoyment.

I accept the rules though and will take my vendor related chatter elsewhere. Except maybe for some future vendor agnostic FM synth and Xsample fanboying here and there.

A bump-free salutation! See you around.
What do you mean with un-bumpable? The threads still get bumped to the top of their subforum, just not onto the latest posts feed.
What do you mean with un-bumpable? The threads still get bumped to the top of their subforum, just not onto the latest posts feed.
They don’t appear in people’s “Latest posts” feed. So they don’t mess with the ‘cycle’ of posts that is deemed too fast for forum members to digest. But great! You did correct a technicality: my prior post totally resulted in another in-forum bump. Glad we caught that error! I stand corrected and humbly apologize, lol.

Anyway, no need for any further drama, even though this is the right zone for it. I have better things to do than dwell on this.
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I probably should have been clearer about my reasons for this. (Although I didn't think it was that hard to read between the lines.)

Several developers (including some not named in the Adachi thread) are amongst those who have been threatened with legal action by 8dio. These are my friends. Even amongst those named in the threads, Daniel James is my friend. Mario is my friend. Cory is my friend, and I believe he was bullied and treated horribly. By 8dio. For posting a review they didn't like. (Seriously, does that not bother people here?)

8dio's attorney also contacted me, when I hadn't acted to their satisfaction in the Adachi thread. It's not a fun day when a lawyer contacts you in an adversarial situation like this. (To those who seem to think, "Mike, you're making too big a deal out of this," then how about this - You buy me an insurance policy to protect me from lawsuits 8dio might bring against me or the forum. Then you can tell me all about how I should run the forum.)

One of these threatened developers is someone I chatted with at NAMM last year. (You all know him, although he wasn't named in the Adachi thread.) One of the things we talked about was the time he was threatened by 8dio. It's a similar story to what I've heard from other developers, but this was the first time I heard it about this particular guy.

The sad part is there's no consequence to sending threats like this. They just have Amanda write a scary letter, then the recipient spends a few sleepless nights worrying about it and considering what they should do. While Troels and Tawnia sleep like babies. It's pretty fucked up. (At least to those of us with the ability to feel empathy.)

Anyway, what's been eating at me is that I'm likely to see this guy again in three weeks at NAMM. I'm ashamed with myself that I, a guy in a position to do at least something about all this, will have done nothing. As 8dio's flash sales continue being blasted in our faces, day after day after day, on the front page of the Latest Posts feed. On a forum I own, I'm allowing this to continue.

But that's not all.

Their "race to bottom" pricing strategy is bad for the industry. It makes things difficult for those of us who are trying to invest in producing quality products and need to price them accordingly. In my own case, I'm over $160k in recording costs alone for our upcoming choir library. $160k. And that's before editing or advertising or licenses or paying myself for my time. Yet I guarantee someone will post on my Facebook ad that it's overpriced, because they got Requiem Pro for 35 bucks. Guaranteed. In fact, I got one of those yesterday on my Nightfall ad, as someone said it should be $39, because that's what Product X is.

It's not healthy for the industry, and from what I've heard, Troels and Tawnia don't give a flying fuck. (Before they sic Amanda on me again, they're welcome to correct anything I'm saying. I won't delete anything they post.) They've got a large catalog they can keep drawing from, so it will be a while before that well runs dry.

I might add that a year and a half ago, Tawnia told us (here) that 8dio wouldn't be doing sales like this anymore. But ... did anyone really believe her? I didn't, which is why I bookmarked the post.

So yes, I get really pissed off seeing that 8dio Flash Sale thread day after day, bumped to page one of Latest Posts, cycling blowouts on the same damn products (you know they're being repeated, right?) with the same damn discussions, over and over and over. Making a mockery of the companies I do respect.

Fuck that. And especially fuck anyone who threatens Cory Pelizzari, who is one of the nicest guys I know.

So I'm moving those "same damn discussions" here, instead of everyone's Latest Posts feed. The sale announcements will still appear on the main thread as before. (Although ... aren't you all already on their mailing list? Is it really the forum's job to alert you to their endless stream of sales?)

I get that the Drama Zone might not be the optimal location for this thread, but that's all I have, so that's what I did. If it's truly that intolerable for you, then the Log Out button is at the upper right. I'm going to run the forum how I think it should be run, so it's your call whether you can accept that or not.

What I do care about is that when I see my friend next month at NAMM, I can at least tell him that I eliminated that perpetual 8dio "fuck you other developers" thread that we were both seeing, day after day, on the forum's front page.
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