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Comp/Orch vs. Notation sub-forum categorization


I'm a dude.
This falls under the Suggestions category, only pertaining to two sub-forums:

Composition, Orchestration & Technique and Notation Speak: Sibelius, Finale & Dorico

It's a small matter only, on the fringes, no big deal either way, but may clarify and consolidate some inextricably linked categories that overall more practically and logically belong under the same heading, i.e., the best place to post threads regarding notation practice in contrast to notation software. (Earth shattering, right?)

It seems muddled at the moment. Different people post notation-related threads in one sub-forum or another, indicating a lack of clarity on the matter from one person to the next.

Notation software is one thing, releases, updates, bugs, and what not. But notation practice itself is directly intertwined with comp/orch when it pertains to the final delivery of music for musicians.

It's of course well known that when the final output on the part of the composer is for musicians, how the composer notates something—within the often contradicting array of viable options—the notation bears critically on the performed and/or recorded result, so these are definitely topics that can't be separated in the practical or logical sense.

There have been instances here where some people's threads regarding notation practice receive much less attention than they would have if they had been posted in the comp/orch zone, and the thread gets swallowed up by all the software topics. Other posters seem to know this so they place their notation threads in Comp/Orch rather than Notation Speak, or some may be posting it this way instinctively because it just makes more sense. It's worth noting that currently there are more notation practice threads in Comp/Orch than there are in Notation Speak, which is itself populated almost entirely of software discussions.

Plenty more could be said on the subject, but all this is entertaining enough.

So I'm essentially wondering out loud if Composition, Orchestration and Technique might be better defined as something like:

Composition, Orchestration, Notation Practice

...and Notation Speak: Sibelius, Finale & Dorico might be better defined as something like:

Dorico, Sibelius, Finale, and related software

I realize it's true that this would also not be perfect, since you can still have some overlap between notation practice and notation software, but looking at the two sub-forums at the moment and over time seems to indicate that this would be much less often the case than the situations mentioned above.

Anyway, in addition to keeping closely related composition subjects logically together and lend some needed clarity, it could, perhaps, add a little bit of productivity to the comp/orch zone by making it more well rounded and holistic. Who knows?

Just a thought. This is the totality of my input on the subject unless someone asks me a direct question. Let your opinions be known if you have any thoughts on the matter.
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