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Everything Went Dark!

On my desktop it showed up dark, changed it back to light in the preferences and it works fine.
Sorry all, we finally applied an update to the themes tonight (Dark & Light) and it may have disrupted your default settings in PREFERENCES.

Quasar did tinker with the settings, though, and got results! Hopefully this defauilt setting will be permanent as before.

There may be a few other unforeseen changes, so please feel free to flag them to me!


VIC Tech support
Thanks, Quasar and Andre. Navigating to Preferences and selecting "Uniform Light Child 10/2022" under "Style" worked for me.

That said, the Light mode (light bulb icon) / Dark mode (crescent moon icon) button still isn't toggling between light and dark mode for me on my Mac or iOS devices in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Thanks again for you efforts on our behalf!


Thanks, Quasar and Andre. Navigating to Preferences and selecting "Uniform Light Child 10/2022" under "Style" worked for me.

That said, the Light mode (light bulb icon) / Dark mode (crescent moon icon) button still isn't toggling between light and dark mode for me on my Mac or iOS devices in Safari, Firefox, and Chrome.

Thanks again for you efforts on our behalf!


Oh, I think I know what's going on. Hold on.
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