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Last week interview about Montreal's Big O's new choice of roof.


Dear all,

I though I would bring something that's happening in the sport community in Québec to your attention.

I'm in a bit of a storm right now since I'm an improvised media publicist this week.

Since the early 90s, my father François Delaney has tried several times to have his self-supporting retractable roof taken into consideration.

He's exposing his project this week in Montreal and the journalists and most radio and TV stations are responding with great interest.

UPON REQUEST : The excellent report by Infoman, with english subtitles.

This article at Radio-Canada sport is absolutly amazing, the journalist is so thorough (in french).




Thank you!
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Concept ingénieux, très intéressant!

Félicitations à ton père pour ce projet :)


Je viens de voir sur Infoman leur article sur le Stade Olympique, c'est super que ça devient beaucoup plus public sur les médias!
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Dear all,

I though I would bring something that's happening in the sport community in Québec to your attention.

I'm in a bit of a storm right now since I'm an improvised media publicist this week.

Since the early 90s, my father François Delaney has tried several times to have his self-supporting retractable roof taken into consideration.

He's exposing his project this week in Montreal and the journalists and most radio and TV stations are responding with great interest.

This article at Radio-Canada sport is absolutly amazing, the journalist is so thorough (in french).




Thank you!
Un peu hors propos mais j'ai visité votre page et écouté votre pièce Wings que j'ai trouvée très jolie. Par contre c'est indiqué qu'elle dure 1 minute dans la liste, ce qui est évidemment une erreur :)
I don't speak French - would have been nice to understand the rest of the posts after the first one (which was in English)
Hi alcorey, I was thanking most people here for the praise about my dad's project for the olympic stadium in Montreal, I suggest you watch the infoman's segment : you can see the models of the self-supporting roof and the animator who has always rooted for this project, tries to understand why the olympic comittee has dismissed my dad for more than 20 years and always ask for fixed roofs when companies submit their ideas in requests for proposals.
Un peu hors propos mais j'ai visité votre page et écouté votre pièce Wings que j'ai trouvée très jolie. Par contre c'est indiqué qu'elle dure 1 minute dans la liste, ce qui est évidemment une erreur :)
*merci! Un glitch avec le player..
Hi alcorey, I was thanking most people here for the praise about my dad's project for the olympic stadium in Montreal, I suggest you watch the infoman's segment : you can see the models of the self-supporting roof and the animator who has always rooted for this project, tries to understand why the olympic comittee has dismissed my dad for more than 20 years and always ask for fixed roofs when companies submit their ideas in requests for proposals.
Thanks for that! Can't watch the video though - 3 different browsers give me the same result
Project looks amazing though - wishing you and your father the best

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*I know he's my dad so I'm biased but here is the latest interview in french from last week.

He is an absolute tank.

Youtube creates "ok" subtitles.

He's explaining why the roof they picked is too flat and will make the mast collapse Because of the accumulation of snow.

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