Hi Folks,
Just a quick update on our site at www.musiclibraryreport.com. Since opening about a week ago, we have 150 music libraries listed and nearly 70 comments and ratings from users about many of those libraries. If you are a composer or songwriter working with music libraries we would like to hear your experiences as well, please come and add to the knowledge base. As far as we know there is nowhere on the Internet were this resource exists. I for one have learned a lot about which libraries I want to deal with and those to stay away from. BTW you do not need to use your real name or e-mail address when commenting.
Thank you
Art Munson
Just a quick update on our site at www.musiclibraryreport.com. Since opening about a week ago, we have 150 music libraries listed and nearly 70 comments and ratings from users about many of those libraries. If you are a composer or songwriter working with music libraries we would like to hear your experiences as well, please come and add to the knowledge base. As far as we know there is nowhere on the Internet were this resource exists. I for one have learned a lot about which libraries I want to deal with and those to stay away from. BTW you do not need to use your real name or e-mail address when commenting.
Thank you
Art Munson