Traveller in boundlessness, at home in the Now
I was going to name this thread like "who of you EIS guys wrote it?" after listening a few seconds into it. But a little research showed that actually Sam Winans has apparently been not only a pupil of Spud Murphy but also been teaching EIS, and on his homepage writes about working for Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, the writers of this song. So ... this seems to be the connection. But this is just my assumption, most probably somebody here knows much more about it.
Anyways, a video that is fun to watch, especially how Rick Beato really is enthusiastic about the ever new chord surprises. Enjoy!
Sergio Mendes - Never Gonna Let You Go
Sam Winans homepage:
Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann homepage:
Anyways, a video that is fun to watch, especially how Rick Beato really is enthusiastic about the ever new chord surprises. Enjoy!
Sergio Mendes - Never Gonna Let You Go
Sam Winans homepage:
Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann homepage:
Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil - Official Website
The Official Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil Web site -- Biographies, The Hits, Song Stories, Contact Info, News, Barry's Album
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