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Locate Muse Sounds - Staffpad


New Member

I have since previously downloaded Muse Sounds libs for Musescore 4. Since Staffpad now has support for Muse Sounds I'd like to try them, but I can't seem to find a way to instruct Staffpad on their whereabouts. The only option I can see is to "Buy" them for 0.00 currency and then a download starts. I'd rather have Staffpad just use what is already on my machine. Is this possible?
I don’t think you can. To use MuseSounds in StaffPad you’d need to download them from the StaffPad store; same as the commercial libraries.
Ah, that's a shame. Is there something fundamentally different about Muse Sounds for Staffpad and those for Musescore 4? Just seems like a waste of space otherwise.
It’s the same for the commercial libraries: even if you already owned Berlin Strings for your DAW, you’d still have to buy it in StaffPad store, because it’s in a completely different format and a ’compressed‘ version of the DAW ditto. (StaffPad Berlin strings is less than 2GB, for example).

If you’re running StaffPad in Windows, I agree, it doesn’t make sense to download MuseSounds again if they’re already installed. But most are probably using it on iPad/tablets, though.
Wouldn’t be surprised if the Muse and Staffpad Sounds libraries are the same libraries, after all they rewrote the Staffpad library structure to match Muse.

You could probably do something with Windows Symbolic Links (symlinks) to point from one library location to another which would theoretically free up space.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about you probably shouldn’t try to do it.
I did a binary diff between each Muse Percussion files downloaded by Muse Hub and Staffpad respectively, and they are exactly the same files. Symbolic links probably won't do as I would imagine they do some cross-checking with an API to establish what an account has downloaded/activated/other status, but it's maybe worth a shot on a slow evening :)
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I did a binary diff between each Muse Percussion files downloaded by Muse Hub and Staffpad respectively, and they are exactly the same files. Symbolic links probably won't do as I would imagine they do some cross-checking with an API to establish what an account owns, but it's maybe worth a shot on a slow evening :)

A symlink may work based on the match. Easy way to find out, simply take one of the files, rename it and put a symlink in its place, will either work or it won’t.

From what I recall when I looked at Musescore 4 was that they used something like a SQLite database to track library registrations. Willing to bet the Muse libraries are not currently serial number encoded.

With Staffpad they use some sort of Windows store related manifest that has an expiring timestamp for libraries that needs to be reauthorized on a reoccurring basis to keep the libraries working.
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