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I read the Ray Bradbury short story a month ago or so and it so moved me I really wanted to write a piece about it. The story balances abject terror with a poignancy that the movie The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (of which it served as inspiration) did not embrace. Ironically, Gojira (1954) which itself was influenced by the Beast from 20,000 did manage to portray its titular character as both menacing but also a creature out of its time.
This work is using only MuseSounds. The central sound idea is the solo horn/tub bell call which signifies the lighthouse fog horn as it calls out to the night. For a piece based on a short story, this work won't be too brief. It is in its infancy at this stage at a little over 3 minutes and its largely quiet. It will eventually get louder as the inevitable story unfolds but the early aspects of this work use both dynamics swells and an ascending/descending figure in the strings (inspired by Bartok's Cantata Profana) that symbolize waves. It's been a fun journey so far and it marries both my love of mid 20th century modernism and giant monsters. I would rather not go the Ifukube route on this work and plan to maintain the concert styled sound.
This work is using only MuseSounds. The central sound idea is the solo horn/tub bell call which signifies the lighthouse fog horn as it calls out to the night. For a piece based on a short story, this work won't be too brief. It is in its infancy at this stage at a little over 3 minutes and its largely quiet. It will eventually get louder as the inevitable story unfolds but the early aspects of this work use both dynamics swells and an ascending/descending figure in the strings (inspired by Bartok's Cantata Profana) that symbolize waves. It's been a fun journey so far and it marries both my love of mid 20th century modernism and giant monsters. I would rather not go the Ifukube route on this work and plan to maintain the concert styled sound.

The Fog Horn- sketch Music by DaveCos29 | Listen on audio.com
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