may I add "and you've got no feedback on your submission and frankly have no idea what your money is used for (certainly not prizes)" ?This is a catch and a joke, you need to pay 33€ to register
I entered some years ago and after the contest sent a message asking for feedback. And i quickly received it, very helpful feedback.may I add "and you've got no feedback on your submission and frankly have no idea what your money is used for (certainly not prizes)" ?
Yes, sharing entry is not prohibited, you will definitely not be banned for it. Only the sharing of the original material is.Are we allowed to upload our entry on our youtube channel?
It probably may be using the "Berlin" name. The company behind it is BIFS EOOD, and EOOD is a private company structure from Bulgaria if I am not wrong. Still, there are many threads in the forums of previous year contests and people who took place on them. Perhaps it would be nice to have some feedback from them.I would be very cautious with this competition.
I live in Berlin and nobody here has ever heard anything about it nor does it seem to have any connection to the city at all but just use it for the name. Also, the founder's name is not known in the Berlin music scene.
There is no proper imprint or contact possibility on the web site or the founder's web site which goes against the laws in the EU.
And the fact that you have to pay an entrance fee.
In my opinion it seems like a low cost operation to generate money for someone. A lot of red flags here.
Hi, this is my entry:
Thank you so muchVery cool!I love the percussion treatment.
I also submitted my entry but will not share it, too embarrassingly bad.
The word "fraudulent" is quite strong and specific (fraud is well defined by law and this is not fraud). Be careful with throwing it out easily. As far as I know, there is no law preventing someone from calling a festival with the name of any city, and why should it?They should call it Sofia Scoring competition and everything would be ok! Isn’t there a law against using a city’s name in such a fraudulent way? Actually, they should also not give it the Sofia tag, as it seems to be exclusively an online thing with no actual event taking place in the real world.