Patrick de Caumette
Senior Member
Please post suggestions and comments relating to harmony/orchestration/theory book recommendations here.

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Ho yes, it usually happen, I´m not drunk...when I mean !? I put two of both :wink: !!!
Readers feedback would be great...all the books have advantages and, whenever someone is looking for a book, he or she will have a better idea of witch book is the best for him/her...but classify the books by level is not good I think...I´ve seen many sites in the net classifying the books from the best to the less good and most of the list order I don´t agree...I mean, this is always personal opinion based on personal knowlegde witch leave room for not being totally justice with some books!!!Thanks Leo, I'll be happy to add your recommendations to the list!![]()
There are actually a few counterpoint books in there but they are in the composition section...
I don't know if this is possible but I was thinking that including readers' feedback on a given book might be cool. If it was possible, for example to click on a link next to the specific title and have a pop-up with reviews that would be very cool.
I did the database in Excell but I am not sure whether this feature is possible to implement or not,
I also wonder if we should classify those books by level of recommendation and if so, how to determine our classification...
How about other sections, such as film music, sound design?
I put everything under other for now but we probably could use a little more clarity...
I have a list with comments that I posted last years in a national forum here in Brazil...I need to find it, than I´l post here!!!