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Poll: What are your favorite virtual synths?

What are your favorite virtual synths?

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Senior Member
You can choose up to 4 synths and edit your answer later on if you change your mind.

If I'm missing a synth you're using let me know and I will add it to the poll!
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Basically all of Arturia, except Pigments, is missing. Perhaps add “V Collection instrument(s)” as a catch-all? I like and use the DX7 to this day for quickly dialing in FM patches.
Some missing synths: Synapse Audio Obsession, Tal U-No LX, FM8, Softube Modular and as Doctor Emmet identified the entire Arturia collection, of course that's only scratching the surface.
Then again, as a “mainstream” poll that will eventually render Omnisphere as “winner” this thing catches the obvious choices. But it really needs to include Arturia. They’ve been around for 20 years, and have always been at the forefront. Same thing maybe applies to a lot of the older Reason stuff and Rob Papen (doesn’t seem to have a real following in this community? I don’t have those). I figure they are among the synths with a real large user base?

I can understand this poll does not include AIR Vacuum Pro (love it), Wave Elements (gets lots of use for plain vanilla stuff over here), Thorn (bought yesterday haha) or Tracktion Biotek2. There are So Many Synths!
Thanks for your suggestions! I don't know how I forgot to add TAL...

Since I can't really put all synths in existence here I will stick to the more popular options. If there are multiple people asking for less popular options I will add them sure (eg: Softube Modular).


BTW once I add new options I can't sort those... so any additions will be at the end of the poll.
Regarding the poll:

For me 3 choices is simply not enough,lol
I chose Diva,Omni and Zebra
If given more choices I would also include Repro,The Legend and Absynth.

not to mention Monark,Bazille.Tal U-No LX etc...........Reaktor(amazing but I rarely use)

not in the poll : XILS,Largo,Phonec 2 ???

Yes I’m a Synth-whore 😱
Neither for me... but the point is to make you choose. :)

Yeah, but what's the of voting for something that you don't use?

Which XILS synth would you nominate? The other ones are not so popular that should be included here IMO.

The poll is titled “favorite synths”

Not most popular synths

As you can see I like and use several,with that being said Phonec 2,Largo and Poly KB3 for me are uniquely beautiful and useful tools that expand the pallet.

As far as Reaktor is concerned,while I don’t use it often it’s amazing,extremely powerful but I avoid the time suck rabbit-hole involved in a Reaktor deep dive that is simply too much for my Impatient feeble mind. Even though I don’t use Reaktor directly often it’s also a great platform that many other synths are utilizing:Monark,Razor etc........
All of the available user libraries can keep someone busy for months exploring
IMO Reaktor is too useful and deep not to get a honorable mention whether I use it often or not.

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Zebra is real popular! I never checked it out because it seemed a bit complicated, but maybe I ought to
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