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SINE Player Scrolling?

Good Morning,

Not being the sharpest tool in the shed, I'm having difficulty scrolling down to open libraries that are off-screen in the Library tab. The scroll bar appeared once somehow, but not since. It is not obvious to me how to access it again or where to click to activate it. I'm using Windows 10, and have tried Bitwig, Mixcraft, and Reaper with the same results.

- Nathan
It's a poor UI design as it's hidden by default. You have to basically get lucky by mousing over it. (on a fresh window it's at the top on the tiny line between + Collection and Loaded Articulations. It also disappears very quickly. The best way I've found is to use the scroll wheel on your mouse or trackball, or do whatever gesture that is on a trackpad.

It would be so nice to be able to organize our libraries so we could put less frequently used ones at the bottom to mitigate this issue.
It's a poor UI design as it's hidden by default. You have to basically get lucky by mousing over it. (on a fresh window it's at the top on the tiny line between + Collection and Loaded Articulations. It also disappears very quickly. The best way I've found is to use the scroll wheel on your mouse or trackball, or do whatever gesture that is on a trackpad.

It would be so nice to be able to organize our libraries so we could put less frequently used ones at the bottom to mitigate this issue.

Being able to organise libraries and a „list view“ as well as smaller library icons could improve the user friendliness.
Just bringing this topic back up in case OT is watching. Would be great to be able to organize libraries in a list view. Obtuse usage with the giant tiles. Strange choice. But then, to me, the whole interface design is kind of a splash. Optioning more for looking clever than visually ergonomic.
Ah that explains it, my favorite Logitech trackball (I call it the "stingray") doesn't have a scroll wheel!

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