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I got some questions regarding Falcon vst


New Member
I'm pretty sure i will buy this next week but have some questions.
Keygroups can be any oscillator and sample right? So basically i can have difrent sounds across the keyboard?

Can the arpeggio have swing /shuffle?

The only thing that gets me confused id the structure works
Keygroups have it's own parameters and those can be connected to the same layers?? Like multis in old samples?

I have a hardware stepsequencer tjat can send on 16 channels. Does falcon have midi learn so i can do that?
I'm reading the manual and Like what i read
Last question. If I chop of a sample. A drumloop for example. Can those be edited and have it's own set of modulators?

Peace out from Sweden
Yes to everything, although as with all things Falcon, it can be a bit convoluted/extra effort. Setting up external modulation sources means first exposing the thing you want to modulate as a control and then mapping that to a CC.

You can do almost everything you can imagine with Falcon, if you're willing to spend the time learning. Pretty much the only things you can't do is either process incoming audio (use Falcon as an insert/send), or get midi out of Falcon (some of the expansions will write out bits of midi as a midi item to your DAW - but never the inbuilt apeggiators/sequencers etc).

I love Falcon. However, I rarely use it in anything as it takes 5x longer than anything else to use, and the user-made preset browser is rubbish. So just go in with eyes open on the learning curve and additional effort it takes to use in a production.
Yes to everything, although as with all things Falcon, it can be a bit convoluted/extra effort. Setting up external modulation sources means first exposing the thing you want to modulate as a control and then mapping that to a CC.

You can do almost everything you can imagine with Falcon, if you're willing to spend the time learning. Pretty much the only things you can't do is either process incoming audio (use Falcon as an insert/send), or get midi out of Falcon (some of the expansions will write out bits of midi as a midi item to your DAW - but never the inbuilt apeggiators/sequencers etc).

I love Falcon. However, I rarely use it in anything as it takes 5x longer than anything else to use, and the user-made preset browser is rubbish. So just go in with eyes open on the learning curve and additional effort it takes to use in a production.
Hopefully F3 will resolve some of these issues.
Agreed. ‘Falcon’ and ‘workflow’ are not two words I think of in the same sentence. I don’t use it because of this. Everything else synth/sampler is faster and easier. Of course, not everything else can do what Falcon can do.

Not for the feint hearted!
Personally, with a few exceptions, I find Falcon easy, intuitive and fast to program. I know that's unusual!

I'm pretty sure i will buy this next week but have some questions.
Keygroups can be any oscillator and sample right? So basically i can have difrent sounds across the keyboard?

Can the arpeggio have swing /shuffle?

The only thing that gets me confused id the structure works
Keygroups have it's own parameters and those can be connected to the same layers?? Like multis in old samples?

I have a hardware stepsequencer tjat can send on 16 channels. Does falcon have midi learn so i can do that?
I'm reading the manual and Like what i read
Last question. If I chop of a sample. A drumloop for example. Can those be edited and have it's own set of modulators?

Peace out from Sweden

Yes to all of your questions except the last, which I'm not sure if I've understood. Each sample is a Keygroup/individual oscillator. You can batch edit multiple Keygroups in the same layer; but you can only have one set of modulations/effects per Keygroup. But, yes, you can load a loop into a Keygroup.

Some modulation has to be at Keygroup level (e.g. ADSR and Key Follow). Some effects can only be added at Layer or Program level.

You can use the Step Modulator to create a smooth envelope, though, which effectively gives you envelopes at any level.

Arps and Sequencing is applied at Layer or Program level. There is *are order* [edit: a special] module to record the sequenced midi to drag and drop into the timeline of your DAW.

Negatives are that the FM oscillator is limited. I'm not keen on the included wavetables. And, while it is modular, it is also linear and you can't split signals through separate effects chains. Instead you have to duplicate the signal for a separate effects chain.

Also, it works on a single core. No multithreading.
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I'm pretty sure i will buy this next week but have some questions.
Keygroups can be any oscillator and sample right? So basically i can have difrent sounds across the keyboard?

Can the arpeggio have swing /shuffle?

The only thing that gets me confused id the structure works
Keygroups have it's own parameters and those can be connected to the same layers?? Like multis in old samples?

I have a hardware stepsequencer tjat can send on 16 channels. Does falcon have midi learn so i can do that?
I'm reading the manual and Like what i read
Last question. If I chop of a sample. A drumloop for example. Can those be edited and have it's own set of modulators?

Peace out from Sweden
You may want to wait a few weeks, usually October means a big upgrade accompanied by a sale (30% off + 2 free expansions) :

06/10/2022: Falcon 2.8
06/10/2021: Falcon 2.5
08/10/2020: Falcon 2.1
10/10/2019: Falcon 2.0
04/10/2018: Falcon 1.6
05/10/2017: Falcon 1.4
03/10/2016: Falcon 1.2
28/10/2015: Falcon 1.0
FYI, there are 21 arpeggiators/sequencers that come with Falcon 2.8. They include the old arpeggiator (same as free UVI player) as well as a new Step Arp, plus three different Euclidean sequencers, Ostinato Arp, Probability Arp, Rain Sequencer, Waterfall, and many more. Having this many exotic sequencers (and you can layer as many as you want) is not something you'll find in any other synth I know of. (To find them add an Event and then look in the "script processor/sequencing" dropdown.)

Many Falcon users may not be familiar with all of these, because most were introduced in Falcon 2.5 and 2.8. Aside from a handful of new Falcon factory presets, only very recent Falcon expansions, like Organic Arps, make use of them.

I've been working for some time on a video about the Falcon arps. When I finish it, I'll post it here.
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FYI, there are 21 arpeggiators/sequencers that come with Falcon 2.8. They include the old arpeggiator (same as free UVI player) as well as a new Step Arp, plus three different Euclidean sequencers, Ostinato Arp, Probability Arp, Rain Sequencer, Waterfall, and many more. Having this many exotic sequencers (and you can layer as many as you want) is not something you'll find in any other synth I know of. (To find them add an Event and then look in the "script processor/sequencing" dropdown.

Many Falcon users may not be familiar with all of these, because most were introduced in Falcon 2.5 and 2.8. Aside from a handful of new Falcon factory presets, only very recent Falcon expansions, like Organic Arps, make use of them.

I've been working for some time on a video about the Falcon arps. When I finish it, I'll post it here.
That would be a really interesting video!
What an awesome collection of questions AND answers. Good stuff to learn from here.

Here's a trick I use to get midi output from sequencers and arpeggiators that don't directly output midi: Use Melodyne.

The process can require a bit of fussing around, in cases where the nature of the audio doesn't play well with Melodyne's algorithms / intended usage. Works best if you're able to feed Melodyne clean, simplistic source material. Synchroarts' Repitch could be a useful for simplifying source material before processing with Melodyne.

RipX can also provide output to midi from from sequences and arpeggiations, as an alternative to Melodyne. RipX can even be used to extract sequences and arpeggiations from existing recordings, under the right circumstances.
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Yes to everything, although as with all things Falcon, it can be a bit convoluted/extra effort. Setting up external modulation sources means first exposing the thing you want to modulate as a control and then mapping that to a CC.

You can do almost everything you can imagine with Falcon, if you're willing to spend the time learning. Pretty much the only things you can't do is either process incoming audio (use Falcon as an insert/send), or get midi out of Falcon (some of the expansions will write out bits of midi as a midi item to your DAW - but never the inbuilt apeggiators/sequencers etc).

I love Falcon. However, I rarely use it in anything as it takes 5x longer than anything else to use, and the user-made preset browser is rubbish. So just go in with eyes open on the learning curve and additional effort it takes to use in a production.
Really hope the preset browser gets a bit of 'love' from UVI in version 3. u-he's Zebra has a great approach to presets and favorites: 8 levels of color-coded favoriting as well as the ability to notate the presets.
Personally, with a few exceptions, I find Falcon easy, intuitive and fast to program. I know that's unusual!

Yes to all of your questions except the last, which I'm not sure if I've understood. Each sample is a Keygroup/individual oscillator. You can batch edit multiple Keygroups in the same layer; but you can only have one set of modulations/effects per Keygroup. But, yes, you can load a loop into a Keygroup.

Some modulation has to be at Keygroup level (e.g. ADSR and Key Follow). Some effects can only be added at Layer or Program level.

You can use the Step Modulator to create a smooth envelope, though, which effectively gives you envelopes at any level.

Arps and Sequencing is applied at Layer or Program level. There is *are order* [edit: a special] module to record the sequenced midi to drag and drop into the timeline of your DAW.

Negatives are that the FM oscillator is limited. I'm not keen on the included wavetables. And, while it is modular, it is also linear and you can't split signals through separate effects chains. Instead you have to duplicate the signal for a separate effects chain.

Also, it works on a single core. No
Thanks!! I get it next month. I just bought a pyramide stepsequencer
What an awesome collection of questions AND answers. Good stuff to learn from here.

Here's a trick I use to get midi output from sequencers and arpeggiators that don't directly output midi: Use Melodyne.

The process can require a bit of fussing around, in cases where the nature of the audio doesn't play well with Melodyne's algorithms / intended usage. Works best if you're able to feed Melodyne clean, simplistic source material. Synchroarts' Repitch could be a useful for simplifying source material before processing with Melodyne.

RipX can also provide output to midi from from sequences and arpeggiations, as an alternative to Melodyne. RipX can even be used to extract sequences and arpeggiations from existing recordings, under the right circumstances.
I agree, that's a great solution if you have a good audio to midi converter. I use Melodyne too and while it does often need tidying up, it can still save a lot of time. I have (Edit to add) NOT used Repitch, which sounds really useful, or RipX though.
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You may want to wait a few weeks, usually October means a big upgrade accompanied by a sale (30% off + 2 free expansions) :

06/10/2022: Falcon 2.8
06/10/2021: Falcon 2.5
08/10/2020: Falcon 2.1
10/10/2019: Falcon 2.0
04/10/2018: Falcon 1.6
05/10/2017: Falcon 1.4
03/10/2016: Falcon 1.2
28/10/2015: Falcon 1.0
Yes i see that now! So this means a update is coming up?
FYI, there are 21 arpeggiators/sequencers that come with Falcon 2.8. They include the old arpeggiator (same as free UVI player) as well as a new Step Arp, plus three different Euclidean sequencers, Ostinato Arp, Probability Arp, Rain Sequencer, Waterfall, and many more. Having this many exotic sequencers (and you can layer as many as you want) is not something you'll find in any other synth I know of. (To find them add an Event and then look in the "script processor/sequencing" dropdown.)

Many Falcon users may not be familiar with all of these, because most were introduced in Falcon 2.5 and 2.8. Aside from a handful of new Falcon factory presets, only very recent Falcon expansions, like Organic Arps, make use of them.

I've been working for some time on a video about the Falcon arps. When I finish it, I'll post it here.
Ver cool indeed! I tend to only use a T1 hardware stepsequencer for sequencing but i bet those new stepsequencers can be used for automation as well!
Btw. Can i morph between oscillators in falcon some way?
Ver cool indeed! I tend to only use a T1 hardware stepsequencer for sequencing but i bet those new stepsequencers can be used for automation as well!
Btw. Can i morph between oscillators in falcon some way?
I'm not an expert in programming Falcon. Somebody else can tell you about morphing, but I would be surprised if you couldn't do that.

But it's easy to use different sequencers on different layers. You can get some complicated effects that way.

I ended up abandoning my video, because I discovered that these sequencers don't work on all UVI products. Definitely on Falcon and its expansions, and a lot of the other instruments. But not all. Certainly if you're creating a patch from scratch in Falcon, you can use these sequencers on anything.
I'm not an expert in programming Falcon. Somebody else can tell you about morphing, but I would be surprised if you couldn't do that.

But it's easy to use different sequencers on different layers. You can get some complicated effects that way.

I ended up abandoning my video, because I discovered that these sequencers don't work on all UVI products. Definitely on Falcon and its expansions, and a lot of the other instruments. But not all. Certainly if you're creating a patch from scratch in Falcon, you can use these sequencers on anything.
Then would there be any reason to get Organic Arps expansion? I mean, Falcon has all the arps and even the chorder function.
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