Hey there, I'm scripting an instrument that has a macro slider that controls send levels to three different send effects. When I move the slider, there is a ton of artifacting happening to the sound as it morphs. I've tested all three effects individually and they all have the same problem. If I go into the send levels on the insert effects and manually move the knobs in there, there's no artifacting. As far as I can tell my macro isn't doing anything except moving the three send levels on that insert effects panel. Is this a known issue? Am I doing something wrong? I don't want to make them insert effects because I want to control the send to my effects, not just the wet/dry.
Everything is working correctly, just with a ton of artifacts...
Here's the script getting this to happen for me ($BigKnob is the name of my slider):
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_0, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_1, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_2, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
Thanks so much for your help, y'all!!
Everything is working correctly, just with a ton of artifacts...
Here's the script getting this to happen for me ($BigKnob is the name of my slider):
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_0, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_1, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
set_engine_par($ENGINE_PAR_SENDLEVEL_2, $BigKnob, -1, 7, $NI_SEND_BUS)
Thanks so much for your help, y'all!!