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Sound Design course for SFX (film, video games). Especially with synths.


Active Member
Hi there

Anyone here could advise me some good online (paid or free) sound design course for SFX?

I'd like to learn to create the sound of a jump, of a hit, a woosh, a character dying, a character obtaining something, etc. etc. - so I'm mainly speaking about a video game context and using synth.

With my partner in crime we are working for a video game (sound design & music). I'm more a music guy, I already did many sounds for the game, recording stuff and editing them (old school cinema way), I already did some jump/woosh sounds with Massive, but I'd like to learn more in depth the synth aspect of designing SFX.
Here's a brief list of some things:

- Akash Thakkar youtube channel + podcast
- Zapsplat gold ($6/mo., use as needed)
- Pixabay audio
- Sonniss GDC free sound packs
- Ben Burnes https://ben-burnes.gumroad.com/
- Freetousesounds, tons of different ambiences and some more foley-oriented sounds

There are some helpful reaper actions and custom actions that can be set up to make things like chopping + cascading audio clips across tracks easier, batch export options, hotkey-loadable fx chains, etc. I'd also recommend birdbird's Global Sampler as a project default, and a portable install specific for sfx (separate from composition install, unless you don't even use Reaper for composing) so you can turn off pitch preservation when stretching samples in default project settings among other sfx-oriented global defaults.
Thanks a lot...
I did discover the Akash Thakkar youtube channel previously and yes, it seems interesting.
Regarding the rest, it seems to be mainly samples/library, and I would be more interested in doing my sounds by myself with synths (I already have some nice libraries, and I know how to make my own sounds through recording).
I rarely use Reaper but I'll investige what you advise...
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