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Cubase Macros


New Member
Has anyone been clever enough, imaginative and extremely practical to create a Cubase Macro that - Deletes all unused audio, deletes empty tracks and empties trash at the end of a project? Apart from anything else think how much disk space it’d save!

If anyone has please let me know so I can advise NASA how clever you are!

I have not, so no, no need to call NASA. But, your macro sounds good. I do see a keyboard command for empty trash, so that's taken care of.

Could you create the first two actions using the logic editor, and then use those as key commands?

Thanks guys

I'm kinda on the way with the empty trash heads up. I was really hoping someone had already got the macro together, but I shall charge forward in an attempt to get it together!

Apologises but I'm pretty new to this, where will I find the "Your Daw" section?
I created this macro in the Project Logical Editor that will remove empty tracks. But if the track was nested in a folder, the empty folders will not be erased. I haven't figured out how to do that.

Thanks for the input, kinda got it sussed with a Macro - if it's of any help here's the recipe!

I setup in the macro: Shift+Command (Control) +U

- Project - Open Pool

- Media - Remove Unused Media

- Media - Empty Trash

It automatically defaults to "Erase", so I press "enter" and that's it.
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